What We Look For

“What we do see depends mainly on what we look for. … In the same field the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the colouring, sportsmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not all follow that we should see them.” ― John Lubbock, The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live In

Although John Lubbock was influenced by Charles Darwin and by his evolutionary worldview, I do like the quote. I love to see other posts on Facebook and Instagram of the different points of view from friends and family. People post what is important to them and what they notice, sometimes having a point of view I never thought of. Summer is a great time of year for people to post photos of their gardens and all things nature. This hunt for the “stray gifts” is a great way for me to record the graces…to see what I can see in a day in a different way. I get a lot of positive responses when I post these photos on social media. With so much heartache and trials I see, I would like to think that sharing a bit of beauty perhaps will make someone smile.  I may be having a bad day at times, but seeking out the day’s gifts helps me to at least take a moment outside of any problems I may be facing, to look for the good. Here are this week’s #straygifts.

  1. Red roses blooming among Morning Glories
  2. Stray gifts seen in moody blue skies
  3. It’s the Year-of-the-Morning Glories! Here is an old tub we made into a garden bed filled with vines. A few purple blooms have been spotted here and there.
  4. Birds chirping outside my kitchen window
  5. Front yard roses suffering a bit this summer, but still blooming.
  6. This was a mystery to me when it first started blooming. The seed came from a wildflower seed packet and the great unveiling showed a cheery sunflower. I like it so much, I want to plant some on purpose. I already have a spot picked out…now to figure out when is the best time to plant them.



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