To Be Yet Wiser

 Teachable: adjective
1) capable of being instructed, as a person; docile; 2) capable of being taught, as a subject.

I can admit I do not know everything, but can I say that I am teachable? When I first set out to homeschool, I had a lot to learn even though I had taught children before. I asked a lot of questions from other homeschoolers, looked things up on the internet, and made phone calls to different curriculum distributors. If Jonathan wanted to know something about a particular subject, we went to the library and returned with stacks of books. It is one thing to look up information for my own curiosity, but how do I react when I am specifically given instructions? Do I seek to learn a few things or do I turn a deaf ear? Sometimes I would need to speak slower and enunciate just to make sure Jonathan heard and understood what I was asking him to do.  Do I listen to wise counsel and gain understanding or become ignorant– or as I have heard it said, “dumb on purpose”? Do I need God to speak slowly to me and enunciate because I just cannot seem to grasp what He wants? What value do I put on wise counsel from God or wise men/women?

Can I be taught to be more patient, kind, loving, giving? Am I content in my stubborn ways? Tough questions, the answers hard to admit.

I think of these things as my son is in college, being taught by others, and is readying for the future. Have I instilled in him respect for elders and for those who know more than he does? Have I helped him become a good listener and one who will receive instruction well? Have I been a good example?

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” -Albert Einstein

To accept, to follow, to grasp instruction is a hard thing due to pride. To master the art and grace of making wise decisions is a life long pursuit, but one well worth the effort as it brings glory and honor to God.

Open my heart, Lord. Help me to be open to wise instruction, available for godly understanding, and ready to increase learning about You.

“A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsel.” Proverbs 1:5

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase learning.” Proverbs 9:9


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