Throw Your Leg Over the Boat

“Faith is hearing Jesus say, “Come”. Believing is actually throwing your leg over the side of the boat.” -Rex Rouis

The disciple Peter was known for being impetuous. He was known for being quick to judge and hasty in his denial of knowing Christ at one point, yet he was the first to throw his leg over the boat when Christ came to the disciples walking on water. He was the first to answer when Christ calmed their fears and told them who He was. And while Peter became distracted by the wind on the water, in a heartbeat, he called out for help. The Bible says in Matthew 14:31, “And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him…” And while Peter was doing the miraculous, the others were left in the boat alone with their faith, but without the will to back it up.

Christ bids me to come to Him and I can say that I believe that He will guide, care for, and help me. But when I refuse to give up anxiety and doubt and I continue to question His direction, I am left alone while He waits a little longer for me to believe. It is recorded in the gospels that Christ did not do a whole lot for people in certain areas due to their unbelief. A bunch of skeptics they were. And so am I at times, truthfully.

Faith in Christ hears and knows His invitation to come out of my comfort zone and trust.

Faith in Christ is knowing that when the winds of life overwhelm, in a heartbeat, I can call out for help and immediately be rescued.

Belief is laying aside every weight of doubt, stepping out of the boat of fear and anxiety, and walking with focus on Him, one step at a time.

“…Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” James 2:17


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