Things Happen

Things happen which would not happen without prayer. Let us not forget that.

Elisabeth Elliot

Have you ever prayed and felt right then and there that you had God’s attention? Jonathan and I had something happen a few weeks ago when we heard an answer to prayer within seconds.

Due to John’s health struggles and time for healing, our truck has sat mostly untouched in our driveway for two years. John has been unable to deal with getting a new battery, an inspection, new plates, and any repair work needed. Our truck hauled a fifth-wheel trailer on deputation. It carried us to and from Mexico for years as we used it for ministry. It has been good to us and we were saving it for Jonathan to drive if needed once it was all fixed up. Recently, the truck really needed attention because our car was going to the repair shop and we had to have a second vehicle.

On a day when he felt well enough to accomplish a few things from the “to-do” list, John took the truck battery to be replaced and found that, due to a warranty, the battery was exchanged at no charge! Another day, he was able to get the truck inspected, the windshield replaced, and the oil changed. For some reason that day, the truck alarm system was not cooperating and kept going off every time he started the truck. His key fob wasn’t working, so he called me to bring mine to see if the alarm would shut off then. Jonathan and I met him at the Walmart car center with my old key fob. Nothing was working. We bought new batteries for the fobs and that still did not keep the alarm from going off. By this time, others in the parking lot seemed to be getting irritated, but we didn’t know what was the problem. John called the business that installed the alarm to see what was the matter and he was given instructions on how to disarm the system. Still no success. Jonathan and I were sitting in the car watching John struggle with the alarm when out loud I prayed, “Lord, please help John. He’s had such a rough time and he’s doing his best to get things done as he is able. Please help him figure out how to stop the alarm!”. All of a sudden, we hear the truck turn over, but this time…no sound other than the rumble of the diesel engine. Relief! Jonathan and I looked at each other in shock. And then we laughed. We bowed our heads again and quickly prayed for everyone we could think of who has been on our hearts. While we had the ear of God, why not? (Don’t we always, though?) John drove over to the car beaming that the truck started with no blaring alarm set off. We told him we just prayed for him and he agreed that God had heard and answered. He took the truck to the alarm installation business and when they saw our key fobs, there were a few raised eyebrows. Apparently, the whole alarm system is outdated by thirteen years and that’s the reason there were problems. For the time being, we don’t need the alarm since we aren’t traveling anymore and are not going over to Mexico. We do not even need a diesel F-250 truck, either, but since it’s paid for, and unless someone offers to buy it, we will use it for now.

Sometimes, it seems the portals of Heaven open up and our requests go straight to God’s ears and the answer comes right away. Other times, we wait for answers. Things happen in life and at times I feel, “Well, God is in control. He knows what is going on and is working on the other end”, and I leave it at that – not stopping to actually pray about a certain situation in my life or in someone else’s. I believe that day’s short in-desperation request to God made a difference. When I think of that instance, I am reminded that God does care about our life things, even trivial ones. I don’t ever want to forget.

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

I Peter 5:7

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