The Spare Moments

Fill up the spare moments of your life with praise and thanksgiving.

Sarah Young

I like to read about efficiency. I enjoy watching YouTube videos about cleaning and organization. The topic of ‘minimalism’ has been of great interest to me in the last few years and I especially like Joshua Becker. Recently in his video, “20 1-Minute Habits to Keep Your Home Clutter Free”, he said, “Clutter free living is more than a project, it is a process.” Sometimes, the house and yard work can feel overwhelming. When I break a lot of it down into one minute tasks, they are a lot more manageable. Wipe down the counter, shred the junk mail, empty small trash cans throughout the house, sweep the front walkway, replace bathroom towels with clean ones, put away dishes – all tasks that can be done quickly when I purpose to do it. It came to mind recently that the one minute moments, the spare moments, can also be used to offer a quick praise, to read a few Bible verses, to pray for the family member or friend who has been on my mind. It declutters the mind and makes room for rest. Spiritual growth is more than a “project” we aim to achieve, it is a process of making good decisions in every opportunity of the day.

In spare moments, too, don’t forget to look for stray gifts!

Stray Gifts Outside: Alyssums are one of my favorite flowers. They smell like honeysuckle and are fairly easy to maintain. Not all are doing well in the heat this year, though, but this one is doing ok so far. • Our new passionflower vines are stretching quite nicely over the new netting we bought for support. • Our tiny tomatoes are coming in and they are delicious!

Stray Gifts Inside: Although meat prices have gone up, a local family owned butcher business we like to buy from is keeping their prices the same as they have been. • Pothos seems to be the magic plant I am able to keep alive for years on end. I have quite a few in various stages of growth in different places in the house. I am experimenting with ivy and spider plants (again). We’ll see what happens.

Stray Gifts Not Pictured: I lost my address book last week. I could not find it anywhere in the house or in the car. I went back to the postal annex thinking maybe I had left it there when I mailed a few cards out to a friend. Sure enough, an employee found it on the counter and put it in a safe place. Whew! • A yellow butterfly has been hanging around the yard lately. It was fluttering outside the kitchen window the other day – so much so, I felt it wanted me to stop and watch it. So I did. • Jonathan brought all of our clean laundry upstairs without me asking for his help (it took several trips). I didn’t even know he had done it until I went to bring them up myself later that evening. • A ladder was in the middle of the highway one day and I just “happened’ to be in the lane where I could avoid running into it. I guess it fell off the back of a truck sometime during the day. • A new (to us) neurologist listened to John during his appointment and really showed she cared. She is changing up his medicine for his migraines. It will take a few months to wean off the old and get used to the new, but she offered hope for better days. An appointment is coming up for John with a pain management specialist. This doctor is the one who has helped my dad with his back issues for years – and he is amazing. We are so glad the VA approved the consult. • And last, but not least, there was a bit of rain one night this week. It didn’t last long, but we enjoyed watching it come down for a bit.


2 thoughts on “The Spare Moments

  1. Stray gifts, small and large blessings.
    Moments with God.
    Your post contains it all and reminds me to be grateful for all things.
    Thank you for your posts.

    1. Looking for stray gifts in a day is like going on a scavenger hunt – without a known list of items to find. If I keep my eyes open and seek…I will find whatever it is He places in my path. Thankful for you and for your encouragement along this journey!

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