The Door Marked “Pull”

Push will get a person almost anywhere – except through a door marked Pull.

Author Unknown

When I fail to let God be God, when I disregard the belief that He is in control and that He has a plan, I push through the door of discontentment. Living in the city, there is a lot of pushing – people pushing through the stores and through traffic – always in a state of hurry. It is difficult to not feel bullied or pushed along with everyone else. Interestingly enough, those who push through traffic and are doing all the hurrying- they don’t get very far. I usually see them in the same traffic jam up ahead or waiting with me at the same stop light.

When I try to push through God’s way of waiting on Him, I push away the blessings He has in store. When I am asked to choose the door marked “pull”, I am given the opportunity to open the door toward me to enter into a place of peace. God never promises a life with no pain and no hardship. They are a part of life because our bodies are not perfect and they tend to fail – some faster than others. God offers sufficient grace because His strength is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Through this challenging time with John’s health issues, I have to ask myself if I am pushing against God with an impatient spirit. Do I pray in exasperation trying to persuade Him to hurry up and heal, to provide solutions, and to get us back to some sort of ‘normal’ life?

“I am learning that when we say yes to God and let go of the need for certainty, that doesn’t mean he’ll grant our every wish or provide rescue with instant security. God cares more about our transformation into his image than immediate relief. His plans are good and often broader than we imagine.”
-Shelly Miller, Rhythms of Rest

“God cares more about our transformation into his image than immediate relief”. That gets to me. I hear that. I need to remember that.

What we pour into our soul today may seem inconsequential, yet it will provide a stabilizing anchor for the future.

Shelly MIller, Rhythms of Rest

What I pour into my soul today – rest, assurance, trust – results in stability of heart and mind no matter what His plans are for the future.


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