Thank You, Jesus

“Thank you, Jesus”, says my aunt every time something good happens; a nice jacket goes on sale, a close parking spot becomes available, her bill was lower than she thought it would be. It can be easy to raise eyebrows because she isn’t shy about saying Thank You out loud, but I think she may be on to something. How often do I not give credit to God for something that goes on sale or for a close parking spot? Everything good that happens in life surely cannot be all coincidence, right? The more hectic my life is becoming, the more I am mindful of the handfuls of grace that come along and the more I say, “Thank you, Jesus”- out loud!

Here are a few stray gifts from September that I am thankful for:

  • My husband and I were out to eat one day and I noticed a young man reaching down to pick up a set of keys off the floor. A woman had just dropped her keys and hadn’t noticed. It was great to see some kindness spread.
  • Flowers from my dad!
  • Green lights all the way down Montana Avenue. I am not quite sure how that happened, but if you knew just how long that road is, you would be amazed too. I wasn’t in a hurry, but it was nice.
  • My husband had his right hip replaced in July. He has been able to help with dishes again after dinner in the last few weeks.
  • Speaking of hip replacement surgery, we thought he would have to wait until next year to have his left one done. The surgeon told him a few weeks ago that he felt John was strong enough to have the left one done soon. The date is set for October 21 and paperwork is going through much quicker this time between the VA and the surgeon’s office.
  • A tiny black and yellow bee in the yard. All I have seen are the big black carpenter bees, so the little one was nice to see since I am working to attract bees, butterflies, and birds through various plants.
  • A friend sent me a text with her very own stray gift through an unexpected healthcare rebate that will significantly help her financial needs. I love that she shared this with me and that she used the specific words, “stray gift”.
  • Other friends send me stray gift photos of their flowers, of sewing projects which turn out well, and of their surrounding scenery in a day which cause them to stop and say, “Thank you, Jesus”.

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.

William Wordsworth, 1806

2 thoughts on “Thank You, Jesus

  1. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for sharing this. I am still thanking Him because I do believe He is the reason all these “stray gifts” are given to us and we should be thankful for them. We should never be embarrassed or shy to thank Him out loud for all things. See you soon. I love you big.
    Aunt Madeline

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