Tell Me Something Good – Katie’s Story

Katie and I met seventeen years ago in a church in Oklahoma. My husband was in Bible college at the time and we were working in a small church there in the music and bus ministry. Our son Jonathan was seven years old and her two oldest girls were around the same age. After we surrendered to go to the mission field and were on deputation, their home was a refuge for us in between church meetings. We brought ourselves through their doors carrying laundry, tired bodies, and sometimes sick-with-a-cold-bodies, too. They let us sleep and wash clothes, and they fed us well. They took care of us and Jonathan had a place to run around and be a kid. He fed goats, rode horses, jumped on the trampoline with their six kids and we adults visited til way late in the night. Her husband is a professional electrician and came down with a mission group to Mexico one time and helped my dad rewire his church building. The kids still keep in touch here and there. The older ones are in college like Jonathan and busy with classes or work. Katie and I keep in touch regularly.

Recently, one of Katie’s daughters was in a car accident and wrecked the mini van she was driving. The man she bumped into had a heavy duty truck and bumper so no damage was done. He made sure she was okay, that she had help coming, and he didn’t want to file a report. Katie and her husband were trying to figure out the value of repairing the van versus purchasing another vehicle when they heard about a couple who was selling their mini van. Katie never really liked mini vans in the first place. Theirs had issues with the sliding door, the seat adjustments and other things. If ever they were to get another mini van, she had a long wish list of features she would like to have. This mini van that was for sale was four years older than the one that was in the wreck. There were a few things that needed to be fixed, but nothing like a bent-in radiator and fan, though. After the couple had heard about the accident and that Katie and her husband were debating about what to do, they offered their mini van – for free. What did Katie think of the mini van? “It was a major upgrade!”, she said. All the things she had on here wish list? Granted.

Isn’t that amazing? It is so good to hear stories of God’s provisions.

Other Tell Me Something Good stories: Sheilia Michelle MaLinda


2 thoughts on “Tell Me Something Good – Katie’s Story

  1. What a blessing for Katie’s family.
    I am always amazed at God’s provisions at the just the right time.
    I don’t know why I am amazed because I am almost 70 years old and I can’t think of one time that God didn’t provide at the just the right time and in just the right way.
    I like the fact that I am always amazed because I never ever want to take His provisions for granted and I love the tenderness that I feel when I see this in my life or someone else’s .
    Thanks for sharing Katie’s story and making my day.
    Love you.

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