Easy in Imagination

What had seemed easy in imagination was rather hard in reality.

Lucy M. Montgomery

We had imagined our move to Waco would have been an easy one. It was easy in the beginning when John started working for the VA here. But as the weather changed in the fall and winter, John’s migraines increased. For years, John has struggled with migraines due to changes in barometric pressure. Medication never completely helped. Once his doctor put him on Vitamin B2 a few years ago, the frequency and intensity decreased. It was a huge relief! In El Paso, the air pressure stays mostly the same year ’round and his migraine ‘situation’ seemed better. After moving here, though, where air pressure changes due to more rain, some snow, and cooler weather in the fall and winter, it became a different story.

Another issue with our move here is that his job, while a great one, involves being on the phone and computer all day sitting down. After his two hip replacement surgeries almost two years ago, he really needs to be up and moving around. The positive side of this is that he is getting his ‘foot in the door’ in the work field again. We were in the ministry full time for fifteen years, he went back to college and graduated during that time, and now we are moving forward in a different direction.

So what’s the plan? We know that a drier climate is a must for John to feel less head pressure, so we are moving back to El Paso where Jonathan is in his last semester of college before he graduates in May. My dad, too, is still there. John has applied for several jobs within the VA and has had one interview so far. Our lease at the apartment here in Waco ends the last day of February. Sometime between today and then, we will be packing and moving back. We enjoyed being here for the most part with all the grass, trees, the lakes and rivers, but it is, in reality, not a place where John feels is best for him. We are at peace and know that God has something in mind. We just need to trust and take one step at a time.

Here is the continued stray gifts list from December and the beginning of January (description below photo collage).

Top Row: Stray gifts in a well working iron skillet. I’ve had trouble treating it correctly, even though I’ve followed directions. I guess with frequent uses and oiling consistently after each use has helped because I was able to cook scrambled eggs in it with minimal cleanup afterwards. I’ve never been able to do that before. Usually the pan is a mess with eggs stuck to it making the cleaning difficult.

While the Christmas tree was up, I had a great view of a glass ornament a friend sent me last year. It was such a surprise to receive the gift in the mail. The poinsettia ornament means a lot to me.

John surprised me with flowers when he came to visit me while I was in El Paso.

Middle Row: A long time friend of ours makes quilts and quillows. A quillow is a quilt that has a pocket to tuck your feet in. Also, you can fold the blanket up a certain way and tuck it in the pocket so it is in the shape of a pillow. Carolyn made Jonathan one when he was two years old and he wore it out through the years. John and I each received one years later and John wore his out. She made Jonathan and John new ones in the last year since both blankets were in shreds. Mine is still in good condition! We love them and use them often in the cold months!

On the way back from El Paso to Waco after Christmas, we saw snow! After living in the desert for fifteen years, I thought it might be nice to live in a place where I could experience all four seasons. After feeling the bone chilling freezing temperatures closer to Waco and the snow, I’ve changed my mind. El Paso gets cold, but it never sticks around for very long. We saw many deer out in the snow which was a pretty site.

Speaking of snow, I have a friend in Pennsylvania who sees snow every winter. She often sends me snow photos and I like that I can look at it, but not feel the below freezing temps!!

Bottom Row: While I was in El Paso helping my dad and Jonathan reorganize after the September flooding in the house, my dad made me a pegboard for my craft room. I love it and it will help keep stuff off the work space for when I make my greeting cards.

My banana succulent was reaching for the winter sun. It’s always nice to see a bit of green in the winter.

Making Amends

Fear not November’s challenge bold—We’ve books and friends, And hearths that never can grow cold: These make amends!

Alexander L. Fraser (1870–1954), “November,” c.1918

Amend: to make better, to improve

While looking up inspirational quotes for a blog title, I noticed that November quotes seemed dark and dismal. The trees will be bare soon and the cold winds are coming. Darkness falls early and the nights seem longer. I did find one quote that was positive that I used. Of course, in my stray gifts scavenger hunt, making amends with the season appealed to me. “We’ve books and friends”, wrote Fraser. There are other gifts of the season which can help improve the overall mood for the coming months. Here is my latest record of graces. Photos added in a collage below.

Gifts in a Park: John and I went to a local park last week and found a walking trail. I’m thankful he can get out and walk – especially on uneven surfaces such as a nature trail. Last year at this time, he was recovering from two hip replacement surgeries. The view of the rock and the trees from the road was what made us want to park and explore. I love to see the changes in leaves every week.

Gifts Fascinating: I was bent over trying to get a good photo of a spider on the side of the path when a lady walking by stopped and asked if I was trying to identify a plant. I pointed out the spider web and told her I thought it was really interesting. I had never seen one like this before. “Oh wow”, she said. “I would have never noticed that!” As far as I can tell, this is a garden spider or “zipper spider” and is harmless – but I still don’t want to get too close. It’s huge!!!

Gifts Big: They say everything is big in Texas and I believe it- especially after seeing that garden spider and a large bee during our walk! It was pretty buzzing around the flowers.

Gifts in Perfect Days: Last Sunday was a perfect fall day. Little by little, colder weather is creeping in. We have had a few days cold and rainy, but that’s ok. Everything is cyclical and warm days will be here again. In the meantime, I can enjoy comforting soups and homemade bread, hot cocoa – rich and chocolaty, and cozy blankets to wrap up in when I’m cold.

Gifts Simple Pleasures: Things that feed the soul: fresh air, blue skies, peaceful days and pathways, simple activities like fishing, bike riding, frisbee golf, walking dogs. Many people were out enjoying the day as well.

Tonic for the Soul

Wouldn’t it be an exhilarating tonic for the soul to take a moment to appreciate the simple, good things in life which are so bountiful…? 

Author unknown, c.1949

Tonic (definition): a medicine that invigorates or strengthens: anything invigorating physically, mentally, or morally

Finding stray gifts in a day is exactly like taking a dose of medicine. There are so many aches and pains which ail us in a day – and I don’t mean just physically. Our souls feel battered by watching too much news, or by having to work too hard, or by just taking care of all the life-things. When do we get a break?

When I take time to appreciate the simple and the good, right there is when I get a break. It stops my thoughts from going down the path of the Prodigal Son and the “Why not me, Lord?” All along, I have my very own gifts lovingly placed in front of me, strengthening me, causing me to keep looking for more of God.

Here is this week’s compilation of stray gifts. (Photo collage below)

Gifts Shared: 1) Quietness as John was in bed one day with a migraine. It may not sound like much, but we were together, at least, in our shared apartment. 2) Time shared watching a few movies after he woke up and then walking to the mailbox tonight. 3) It always brings joy when others share their #straygifts throughout the week – a deer in the yard, a beautiful tree against an October sky, a freshened up flower box, gentle music from a neighbor’s wind chimes, a pumpkin pie made for a hard working husband…and more. What a blessing to me to receive these messages from those who are looking too.

Gifts Country Rodeo: 1) Respect for God, the flag, and our country 2) Families spending time together having fun 3) Fresh air and freedom (Oh, and funnel cake!)

Gifts in Animals: 1) A frog in the same spot every night on our walk around the apartment complex 2) Friendly neighborhood dogs out with their humans 3) A cute little rabbit hopping across the lawn

Gifts Blooming: Jonathan sent me a photo of some of the roses blooming in our yard back in El Paso.

Gifts in Imagination: John and I were driving around Waco last weekend and spotted this house on the corner of a busy street. I can’t imagine that someone built this house in the current state of traffic here. Maybe it was built when the area was farm lands, I don’t know – but it was ‘swoon-worthy’. This house, all fixed up and in the country, would be a dream house for me. I imagine roses around the perimeter of the house, maybe hanging ferns and a swing on the front porch, fresh paint. It’s fun to dream. I wonder what the inside looks like! I love to see beautiful old homes and their architecture.

Gifts of Change: Cooler weather calling for cozy soups and comfy sweaters

Late Spring Stray Gifts

‘Tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes!

William Wordsworth

Anyone who has a yard to tend to or a garden to keep up with understands that it is a LOT of work. It is constantly watching for bugs out to harm your precious growing things or minding the feeding, fertilizing, and watering. It is brutally hot here in the summer and I have to get up early if I want to do any work in the yard while the weather is tolerable…and some days I just do not feel like it! But the yard is important to me and since I enjoy the flowers growing and seeing the grass come through, I must put my work clothes on and get out there and do the work. Yesterday morning, I was out pulling weeds, trimming dead roses off the bush, and cutting off dry mums. If I didn’t do the work, I would certainly miss the opportunity to see beautiful things in the yard, smell wet grass after I have watered, or hear the birds sing after I have filled the birdfeeder.

It has been a while since I have shared a “stray gifts” post, so I thought it was time to put together a few photos I have taken and show you a few that have been put in my path.

From left to right, top to bottom:

  • Orange mums are starting to show up. They are so bright and cheerful!
  • Jonathan and I planted sunflowers this year and one by one, they are starting to open up!
  • I love to see where the sunlight lands at different times of the day in the house. This one caught me by surprise as I walked by it. I had never noticed the sun coming through the high window putting a spotlight on a growing vine that is on a tall shelf in the living room.
  • A handmade card from my twelve-year-old niece and a sweet note from her sister, who is four. A note in the mail is always a treat! I love to see how creative my niece gets with each card she makes for me.
  • My dad was a great biscuit maker when I was growing up. He still has the magic touch and is teaching Jonathan how to make them from scratch. Biscuits and gravy on a lazy Saturday morning are amazing.
  • Here is another photo of light landing on a plant in the house which caused me to stop and take notice.
  • This seems to be the “year of the honeysuckle” in our yard. We have had these for a few years now and, for some reason, the vine has just exploded continually in blooms! When there is a breeze in the air, the whole yard smells so heavenly.
  • I jumped on the sourdough bread bandwagon when the quarantine hit. I had tried it a few years ago but became frustrated with the learning process. I gave it another try and realized that making a loaf of bread is much more difficult and I have settled on making English muffins instead. I was determined to make this work after reading the health benefits from sourdough. So far, it is working for me and everyone loves these. I’ve also tried crepes and waffles using the sourdough and everyone gives them a ‘thumbs up’.

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.
-William Wordsworth, 1806

Thank You, Jesus

“Thank you, Jesus”, says my aunt every time something good happens; a nice jacket goes on sale, a close parking spot becomes available, her bill was lower than she thought it would be. It can be easy to raise eyebrows because she isn’t shy about saying Thank You out loud, but I think she may be on to something. How often do I not give credit to God for something that goes on sale or for a close parking spot? Everything good that happens in life surely cannot be all coincidence, right? The more hectic my life is becoming, the more I am mindful of the handfuls of grace that come along and the more I say, “Thank you, Jesus”- out loud!

Here are a few stray gifts from September that I am thankful for:

  • My husband and I were out to eat one day and I noticed a young man reaching down to pick up a set of keys off the floor. A woman had just dropped her keys and hadn’t noticed. It was great to see some kindness spread.
  • Flowers from my dad!
  • Green lights all the way down Montana Avenue. I am not quite sure how that happened, but if you knew just how long that road is, you would be amazed too. I wasn’t in a hurry, but it was nice.
  • My husband had his right hip replaced in July. He has been able to help with dishes again after dinner in the last few weeks.
  • Speaking of hip replacement surgery, we thought he would have to wait until next year to have his left one done. The surgeon told him a few weeks ago that he felt John was strong enough to have the left one done soon. The date is set for October 21 and paperwork is going through much quicker this time between the VA and the surgeon’s office.
  • A tiny black and yellow bee in the yard. All I have seen are the big black carpenter bees, so the little one was nice to see since I am working to attract bees, butterflies, and birds through various plants.
  • A friend sent me a text with her very own stray gift through an unexpected healthcare rebate that will significantly help her financial needs. I love that she shared this with me and that she used the specific words, “stray gift”.
  • Other friends send me stray gift photos of their flowers, of sewing projects which turn out well, and of their surrounding scenery in a day which cause them to stop and say, “Thank you, Jesus”.

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.

William Wordsworth, 1806

Image Not Available

Remember the days when we went through a whole day without taking a photo? In this social media age, we can feel pressured to document every minute of our day and post it to Facebook, Instagram, and any other form of social sharing media. I thought I would share a few ‘stray gifts’ from the last few weeks without photos.

The last few weeks have been trying, to say the least. With my husband recovering from hip replacement surgery and my dad needing an impromptu knee surgery, life has been BUSY for me. I have been on the go every day taking either my husband or my dad to doctor appointments, sitting in waiting rooms, keeping the home together and dinner on the table. Because I was in the habit of looking for stray gifts, I was able to still notice the unexpected blessings in my days. It’s like the game of, “I spy with my little eye…”. Here is a list of some of the gifts I have ‘spied’ in the last few weeks:

  • A pretty little ladybug that landed on the car windshield after a long day. Seeing it made me stop and say, “Oh look!” to my son who was with me. Such cute little bugs, aren’t they?
  • We have had triple-digit temperatures here lately, but one morning I was up early and working in the yard. I remember the nice cool breeze, the windchimes gently chiming, and the peace of feeling comfortable for a bit outside.
  • One morning, I was RUSHED to get ready as an opportunity for a doctor appointment became available that day (for my dad’s knee/MRI). In my mad dash to shower and get ready, my son made me breakfast (and coffee!) and brought it upstairs so I could eat and prepare for the day at the same time. It’s tricky but doable. We had wanted to try a new recipe that morning and had already done the prep work the night before. He just finished making the French toast muffins by himself while I was getting ready for the day. Another morning, my husband cooked eggs for me while I was again hurrying to get out the door. Teamwork!
  • Rain! Twice in one week. That, truly, is a stray gift in these parts.
  • Did I mention I have been busy? One night, I slept for nine hours STRAIGHT! A miracle.
  • My son is home full time on break from college classes and for his twenty-third birthday, he and I did one of the things he loves best…we worked together in the kitchen making some of his favorite foods – breakfast pizza, homemade potato soup, and homemade crescent rolls.
  • When the MRI results came in for my dad that he did, indeed, need surgery on his left knee, surgery was able to be scheduled in one day. We quickly left the house for the hospital to register and the next day, he was on the operating table. The operation went well and now for the hard work of healing. No knee replacement was needed, but some repair work was in order. The surgery was this past Friday (August 16).
  • The afternoon of the surgery, after we came home from a long day, I was so tired. I went to bed around 5:00 PM (thinking I was just going to close my eyes for about an hour) and did not wake up until 1:00 AM. My husband and son thought to make me a sandwich ahead of time knowing I would wake up sometime feeling hungry. I was touched by their thoughtfulness.
  • I am thankful for butterflies, dragonflies, and bees spotted in our yard. For the scent of my basil in the breeze, for honeysuckle blooms, for yellow bells and climbing morning glories.
  • I am amazed at what wonderful meals can be made in a crockpot for busy days with just a few ingredients and a bit of creativity. There is nothing like a hot homemade meal, especially during the extra full seasons of life.

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.

William Wordsworth, 1806

The Gift of 86,400 Seconds

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today.  Have you used one to say “thank you”?

William Ward

It is quite challenging to have a theme each month – for study, for photo opportunities/stray gifts – and it’s only February! I have followed other challenges in the past, but felt God was leading me to create my own based on where He was guiding my studies and blog writing. For this month’s stray gifts theme, the words which came to mind were: admirable, kind, lovely, and sweet. For anyone who may be reading the term ‘stray gifts’ in my writing for the first time, it is based on a quote by William Wadsworth who wrote, “Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find”. I have been taking notes, snapping photos, and writing about noticing these ‘stray gifts’, but with the take on that God has His hand in everything. These gifts really are not strays, but handfuls of purpose in my path that He put there to bring my attention to Him. Here is what I have so far for February: (photos first this time, explanations below)

#1) “Lovely” – From our kitchen window this week, we watched this bird (I think a finch) eating away at the feeder. He had beautiful red and brown feathers.

#2) “Admirable” – Jonathan (my son) is a junior at UTEP and it is his first semester attending. In between classes or while waiting for my husband to be done with work, he has been walking all over campus to see what’s what. The theater, science buildings, the basketball stadium that was used in the 60’s. Track and field, football stadium, Geology building, Fine Arts building where he found himself beneath the stage…I say “admirable” because he was curious about something and went to explore. He could have looked at photos online and it would have been much easier. But he has been walking all around the campus lately because he was interested. He walked in cowboy boots, by the way. Because ..well…we’re in Texas. That’s what we do.

#3) “Sweet” – TWO lovely cards last week. What a fun surprise! The handmade card and envelope from my 11 yr old niece. I love it! The other card from a long time friend which made it all the more special.

#4) “Lovely” – Don Juan climbing red rose bush with baby leaves. I read that climbing roses need not be pruned right away, to wait until after the first bloom. I only planted this last year so I am looking forward to seeing how they do this year. #straygifts in lovely red roses wanting to wake up already.

#5) “Sweet” – My husband brought home these cookies for me knowing I love a chocolate and mint combination. Coincidentally, I was drinking mint tea that day because I was in the mood for it. (He didn’t know that.)

#6) “Kind” – My husband isn’t really known for being a “kid person”, yet somehow he has managed to have a collection of buddies in our church in Mexico. We are not sure when this game started of him getting their shoes and putting them just out of reach, but they are highly entertained by it. They pretty much hand him a shoe for him to toss. Sometimes, my tall son comes to the rescue with a ladder to get shoes off the roof. Stray gifts in surprising entertainment, kind adults who play with kids, and sweet play, too.

Minister Grace

This month, a focus has been on encouraging through three ways: praying for a caregiver you know, writing a note or card to someone, and through complementing. While looking for Bible verses to share on Facebook on the topic of encouragement, I found this:

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

Ephesians 4:29

I began to think of being an encouragement in a different way than I had been writing about. More than praying, more than writing a note, and more than complementing someone, encouraging others can be done simply through our behavior – how we speak in our every day lives. Based on how I communicate, am I an encouragement to others who might be around listening? Do I complain often? Do I speak well of others? Are my words useful? Does my behavior help improve others or impair? Ouch. The answers to those questions sting a bit. My words are not always useful for good nor do they at all times minister grace, to be honest. Looks like I have some work to do.

In the meantime, I will keep counting the stray gifts, keep looking for the good and pray that in some way, sharing them uplifts and inspires others to look for the gifts in their lives as well. Here are this week’s stray gifts photos: (January’s theme: inspirational, white, heartfelt, new growth)

Top Left: A little bit of color is left on the rose bush from last year. The rose was ready to bloom but had frozen overnight. Soon it will be time to prune the rose bushes to make way for another year of new growth.

Top Middle: The book, “Patches of Godlight” by Jan Karon. It is full of inspirational quotes, poems, and Bible verses. I have shared many parts of this book on social media. It is well-loved and used often.

Top Right: This is a daylily I had just about given up for dead. I bought it for $3.00 last year on clearance. Looks like it might be ok.

Bottom Left: This pink oleander plant was transplanted from the front yard to the back when we first moved in. Over the last 5 years, it showed a little life after the transplant, so we kept cutting the dead branches down to make way for the new. Last year, this bush exploded in height and in blooms. It seems it might make it another year. Healthy looking growth reaching for the sun.

Bottom Right: Stray gifts “white” -the top of our dog’s head when she nuzzles in for some love. We adopted her a few years ago and she is an entertaining playmate, a fun walking companion, a good listener, and an excellent encourager.

Not pictured: Heartfelt hope in x-ray results for my husband who has been struggling with pain in his hips and legs for a long time. The VA has not wanted to do much with this issue because he was told he was ‘too young’ to have a hip replacement when they first detected a problem. Now both his hips are bad and are basically bone on bone. “Severe degenerative change” is how the findings were written. Good news: He doesn’t have an auto immune disease as we originally thought. This issue is fixable and he is hopeful for a better quality of life in the future.

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.
-William Wordsworth, 1806

The Day’s Resolutions

I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.

H. Moore

For me, it is difficult to resolve to do something for a whole year. I make plans to lose weight, but life gets busy and rough and sometimes, eating out is the simplest. I do not always make the wisest choices when eating out and on busy days, I tend to forget making time to exercise. My husband and I make plans to save money, but the truck breaks down, prescriptions need to be filled, shoes wear out, a loved one needs help, and the list could go on. A few months pass by in the new year and discouragement sets in.

What if I think in terms of the day’s resolutions instead? Thinking about maintaining a new habit for a whole year tends to feel overwhelming, but I believe I can manage one day at a time.

Today I will resolve to:

  • Summon the courage to face a problem so I won’t have to deal with it tomorrow.
  • Dedicate my thoughts to making one right decision at a time.
  • Live in grace when ‘productivity’ may be resting and not accomplishing tasks on a to-do list.
  • Look for the gifts in life and not focus on the grief.

Last year, I started looking more for the gifts in life. This treasure hunt every day helps me remember God’s involvement in even the smallest of details. I am continuing this search for the gifts because I believe it has helped me to notice His hand in my life more than ever. For January, I have a had a focus to look for four types of gifts: white, inspirational, heartfelt, and brand new.

Here are the latest photos in stray gifts.

Top Row: (Left) White alyssums still alive during the cold weather. (Right) Beautiful pine cones noticed on one of our walks. I love the contrast of white and brown.

Middle Row: (Left) I am not sure where this inspirational book of prayers came from, but I love a lot of the poems in here and share them on social media often. (Right) While out watering and checking on my plants, I was struck by the new growth of mum leaves.

Bottom Row: (Left) On a walk last week, we saw bare trees, palm trees, and birds in trees. Art in nature is always inspirational. (Right) A brand new scent to the earth and all that is in it after a good rain.

Not pictured: Stray gifts “heartfelt” showed up in thanks around the table last week from my husband, my son, and my dad over mashed potatoes -which I don’t make too often. I think my dad had potatoes with a side of rotisserie chicken and broccoli! (Maybe I need to make mashed potatoes more often?) ‘Grateful for thankful hearts and food on the table. And for the aforementioned men who help clear the table and wash the dishes!

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.
-William Wordsworth, 1806

Grace Goals for January

I have had this idea rolling around in my head for quite awhile now, and I think it’s time to let it out of my brain and see how it goes. A “mood board” of sorts to set the tone for the month, a theme for #straygifts, a specific prayer plan/topic along with helpful blog posts, a corresponding Scripture verse to implement, and a possible ‘ministry goal’. It seems like a lot, I know, which is why I created a collage guide to explain.

TOP LEFT CORNER is a photo of cardmaking supplies, a ministry of sorts for me. I like to send cards and to hopefully be an encouragement to someone. I especially like to include a note about family happenings, flowers which may be blooming, the weather, ministry updates – more than just my signature at the bottom of a card. I strive to make each card personal. This month’s card theme will be winter-related for me. Is there someone who would love a handwritten note? Would you consider sending a card to at least one person this month?

TOP RIGHT CORNER is a prayer plan suggestion to pray for caretakers in January with a corresponding Scripture verse for meditation. Being a “caretaker” myself for a parent who needs care from time to time, I am more aware of friends and family who are doing the same. It is a big ministry for anyone in a caretaker position. When the idea originally came to me, I was thinking of caretakers for aging parents. While doing research for what caretakers do, I came across so many more descriptions for the word. A caretaker could be a stay-at-home-mom, a working mom juggling home and an outside job, a janitor at work, the waitress who always remembers what you order to drink, those who clean your church. All job descriptions which thrive with a humble spirit. There are so many! I would imagine, though, someone came to mind when you read this and maybe this month, you could pray for them and offer an encouraging word through a written note or by spoken word.

BOTTOM LEFT is a “Grace Goals” section. I have a beautiful poem I share on an upcoming blog post that inspired this. Theme: Compliment someone this month – or many people!- you never know how much a person might have needed it that day. Spread some light!

BOTTOM RIGHT are “Stray Gifts” suggestions to look out for throughout January.

Of course, I would love your participation – to build a community where we pray for each other, share stray gifts we see in the day, share ministry ideas for friends and family. I realize a lot of people read posts and do not comment or acknowledge that they read entries on Facebook or here on the blog. I do hope you follow along – whether by likes, shares, and comments, or quietly in your own way. Either way, thank you for stopping by A Record of Graces. I believe together, we can make a difference. #gracegoals2019

I hope your first week of 2019 is going well!