Leave the Safe Nest of Silence

It is easy to let discouragement crowd our peace of mind.  I believe that comparison is a huge contributing factor leading to discouragement. For someone like me who is creative, comparison plagues me and I want to stop writing, stop sharing, stop creating due to feeling vulnerable. At times, I want to take off the creative cloak and hide it in a corner. Sharing a bit of yourself is scary no matter what it is- something you created with your hands..a meal, a card, a blog post, a testimony on Facebook or anywhere else. What if it wasn’t enough? What if I didn’t say the right words? The “what if’s” rob us of the willingness to extend kindness, a gift, hospitality. It can become quite comfortable staying in the safe nest of silence. But if we stop sharing, stop caring, the world gets darker. And we have enough of that already.

If you encouraged someone and you feel it fell on deaf ears, try again. Someone out there needs a good word.

If you helped someone and you feel it was unappreciated, try again. Someone out there still needs a helping hand.

If you loved someone and you just don’t feel the love in return, try again. Someone out there is hurting and needs a caring soul.

Putting yourself “out there” can seem all too much some days. But today, let’s put on the shield of faith and not fear.  Let’s leave the safe nest of silence to share encouragement. Let’s put to use our hands, our love, and our kindness.  Someone out there is in need.

Ephesians 6:10, “…be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.”




Capture Moments Beautifully

“You don’t need a camera all the time– the soul, the heart, the eyes, and spirit and all your other senses capture moments beautifully, too.” -Terri Guillemets

Every day for the last several months, I have been looking for the stray gifts. A stray gift is something that I come across casually while going about my day. It could be a new flower in the yard, a kindness shown, the happy sounds in the home or in the distance; anything that causes me to stop to notice using any or all of my senses. Sometimes, there is more than one thing or concept I could share on social media, but I try to stick to just a few and savor the rest quietly. There is no possible way to capture with a camera everything I observe as beautiful or meaningful, so it is an exercise of the heart, really, to take note of new mercies every day. Here are some of this week’s camera-captured moments:

  1. Morning Glories now blooming on the side of the shed.
  2. Setting sun seen through wooden slats. Since having the wall built higher, we haven’t been able to see the full sunset from back-of-the-house-windows as before. The other night, I noticed a bright orange glow through the blinds and went to look. I caught the sunset at the right moment for this shot. It’s my favorite photo of the week.
  3. One day this rose was just a bud, the next, an open rose. It’s amazing what a difference a day can make.
  4. 50% chance of rain said my weather app. It was looking darker by the minute and I was hoping the rain would not pass by. It did rain a little and brought some cooler weather.
  5. I am waiting and watching for these trumpet vine flowers to bloom. Our yard is surrounded by rock wall and this vine is supposed to be able to cover it. I think the flowers will bloom in a scarlet color if I remember right. I see tiny little somethings growing on the ends, so I think this vine is going to make it.


Our Own Courage

“Every man has his own courage and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every person has their very own record of graces. Every page in our life’s story has sorrow and joy to different degrees. The same Author who wrote each of our stories has given us our very own time frame to heal, to rebuild, to see the hand of God through it all and the courage to keep turning the page to a new chapter, to a new season.

If you feel stuck on the same page in your life’s book, maybe you need more time than someone else. Your timeframe is yours and is precious time for God to be a loving Father, the guiding Shepherd. Give Him room on the pages of your heart to finish writing your testimony, to change the mourning into dancing, and to autograph it with His grace.

If you feel that you are not ‘moving on’ quick enough compared to what others in your situation are moving, maybe the quick route is not the path for you. Perhaps God wants to lead you to the still waters first to restore and refresh.

God gives every one of us the time and courage for our storyline to go from exhausted from sin, from bad decisions, from life’s blows to living encouraged. He extends enough time and courage to move from shattered to salvaged and useful for His glory. Every person has their short and long life-chapters and when we keep the focus that we all have the same Author who has His finger on the pulse and heartbeat of every individual, we can find through our life story our very own God-given courage written in red through Christ’s blood, signed and sealed by His grace.

Psalm 27:13-14, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”

What We Look For

“What we do see depends mainly on what we look for. … In the same field the farmer will notice the crop, the geologists the fossils, botanists the flowers, artists the colouring, sportsmen the cover for the game. Though we may all look at the same things, it does not all follow that we should see them.” ― John Lubbock, The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live In

Although John Lubbock was influenced by Charles Darwin and by his evolutionary worldview, I do like the quote. I love to see other posts on Facebook and Instagram of the different points of view from friends and family. People post what is important to them and what they notice, sometimes having a point of view I never thought of. Summer is a great time of year for people to post photos of their gardens and all things nature. This hunt for the “stray gifts” is a great way for me to record the graces…to see what I can see in a day in a different way. I get a lot of positive responses when I post these photos on social media. With so much heartache and trials I see, I would like to think that sharing a bit of beauty perhaps will make someone smile.  I may be having a bad day at times, but seeking out the day’s gifts helps me to at least take a moment outside of any problems I may be facing, to look for the good. Here are this week’s #straygifts.

  1. Red roses blooming among Morning Glories
  2. Stray gifts seen in moody blue skies
  3. It’s the Year-of-the-Morning Glories! Here is an old tub we made into a garden bed filled with vines. A few purple blooms have been spotted here and there.
  4. Birds chirping outside my kitchen window
  5. Front yard roses suffering a bit this summer, but still blooming.
  6. This was a mystery to me when it first started blooming. The seed came from a wildflower seed packet and the great unveiling showed a cheery sunflower. I like it so much, I want to plant some on purpose. I already have a spot picked out…now to figure out when is the best time to plant them.


The Balance of Grace

HOLD ON when you are sorting out your wounds and hopes.

HOLD ON when anxiety and worry knock on your door and tears can no longer be held back.

HOLD ON when the transition between grief and healing changes you and it feels like a new person is emerging.

HOLD ON because there are people who believe in you. There is good in this world because God is good. We will not always suffer. There is always dark and light to everyone’s story; the “balance of grace”, I read once. We can only hold on with both hands to one thing at a time. Either we will hold on to the branch of faith and hope and love and God and grace and all that entails and find mercy, healing, and life, or hold on to that which keeps us down in despair which will eventually silence our spirit.

What do we want? How do we want to live? What do we want our future to look like? All questions I ask myself when evaluating a troubling situation. It gives me a focal point. It gives me perspective on what I want to hold to and what I need to let go of.

Hebrews 10: 23, “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)”.

Embrace the Grace

I will choose to listen to the wise who build and turn away from the critics who break.

I will choose to focus on faith in God and separate from those centered on faults and flaws.

I will choose to do the job God gave me and be untroubled about “keeping up” with anyone else.

I will choose to evaluate my worthiness by using God’s Word as my foundation and bypass the weighing measures of man.

I will choose to let go of the misconceptions, the broken trust, the self-imposed and others-imposed boundaries to embrace the grace. “Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” – Hebrews 12:1b

Proverbs 3:31, “Envy not the oppressor, and choose none of his ways.”

Choose wisely.

Conditioned To See

“We see the world, not as it is, but as we are──or, as we are conditioned to see it.” -Stephen R. Covey

Glass half full? Or glass half empty? Which is it? “We see the world…as we are conditioned to see it”, wrote Stephen R. Covey author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. The way we see things has been conditioned, or ingrained in us, from early on. By our surroundings, our upbringing, the good and the bad things that have happened to us in life, we have based our worldview and our view of God. Looking for the #straygifts in a day is becoming a habit. I am on the lookout for something new or something I had not noticed the day before. My son will text me photos of something he saw to add to my growing collection of stray gifts. I am looking for ways to “fill the glass” thus conditioning myself to seek the good, the blessing, the beauty; to look beyond the circumstances of the day. It inspires me to live in this moment of time.

Here is this week’s stray gifts collection:

 (top left) I haven’t seen roses on my front yard bushes in awhile.

(top right) Rainbows in the desert…a rare thing indeed.

(bottom left) I wonder what this flower will look like once it blooms. I believe this came from a wildflower seed packet. A friend on Facebook thinks it looks like a sunflower. Another said maybe Bells of Ireland. I am watching it daily to see what it is.

(bottom small photo right) Pretty 4’oclock flowers in the desert heat. A friend commented on this photo on my A Record of Graces page, “When I was growing up (in Kansas) we had a big garden. At the end of the garden nearest the kitchen window, my mother had planted 4 o’clock’s. When they bloomed in the summer, I was fascinated by them, and always asked her how they knew when it was 4:00. She would just say, God tells them! Thanks for reminding me of this memory, which is truly, “a stray gift”.” I loved that she shared that sweet memory.

(larger photo of tree and sky) A walk in the park, the scent of pine on the breeze, the sound of church bells ringing in the distance. We had a guest with us last week and we took him on a tour of El Paso. Up on the mountain, there is a cute little park with a great view. The breeze was just right that day and with the pine scent, the Texas blue sky, and the church bells, all the senses were aware of what a beautiful day it was.

(larger photo of morning glories) These flowers are gorgeous! I have strategically planted these where we can see them out of one of the kitchen windows. We have quite a few morning glory vines growing so you may see them in more #straygifts posts. They climb up and over anything in their path and we are fascinated by each and every bloom.


Every Day A Gift

When I see what I feel are flaws in the morning mirror, let the words of my mouth about myself speak through grace lest I doubt and mock God’s creation in me.

When I see stretch marks, birthmarks, and scars as I dress for the day, let the meditation of my heart consider the story they have to tell. A story of a soul that has experienced life, every day a gift.

Psalm 19:14, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

Don’t Measure the Size of the Mountain

 “Don’t measure the size of the mountain; talk to the One who can move it.” -Max Lucado

When we face a seemingly impossible task…

Before we get frustrated, be encouraged that God is not.

Before we lose our cool, be determined to breathe, pray, and wait.

Before we say or do something we might regret, be vocal with the One who knows all about it. He wants to hear from us. He is eager to help us. And He might actually have a purpose in mind, something great even… but we will not know unless we ask.

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3

A Significant Bit of Life

“A click of the shutter, a crank of the film, and you’ve caught forever a significant bit of life.”-Willis Peterson

Every reminder-of-grace-moment I find to capture is significant. A flower, a sunset, time alone, and even a dog can add to the value of a day. My son and I used to play a computer game called, “Diner Dash”. The player was the waitress/waiter and each level grew more difficult as did the customers and the demands. The player was to deliver drinks, appetizers, food, and dessert to multiple tables. And refills on drinks. A good waitress will notice when to refill drinks, right? Each table had four hearts that started out filled or all red. If a guest table grew impatient for one reason or another, the player would ‘lose’ a heart. The heart would refill as a new drink was brought or food delivered quickly. If the guests were all fed, the hearts were all filled and the people happy. They also left a good tip. Now Jonathan and I have this saying when something brings a smile, “That made my hearts go up.” I think of this as I see different things throughout the day for my #straygifts posts on Facebook and Instagram. Catching significant bits of life does make one’s “hearts go up”. Did anything refill your heart this week? Here is this week’s collage of stray gifts:

Top Row (from left to right): “Pretty in pink” is the theme for the first two photos. The flower on the left is at the end of a very long stem. The seed came from a wildflower packet. My roses haven’t been doing too well due to the heat, but I saw this one the other day. On the right: For some reason, I can’t ever seem to keep mint alive. These few little stray gifts of leaves are hanging on, though.

Bottom Row: It’s rare for us girls to have some alone time together. The temps have only been in the 90’s with cloudy days and breezes. I spent some time sitting outside this past week talking to the dog and enjoying the peaceful day.  Next is a photo of me on the 4th of July. I finally found a t-shirt I like that isn’t paper thin, one that doesn’t need another layer under it for modesty, and one that was soft to the touch and not ‘scratchy’. JCPenney. Five dollars. …that’s a #straygift to me! I did not go in there to look for a patriotic shirt, but it jumped out at me (true story).  Later that day, my husband, son, and I could be found on the truck bed in the front yard, swinging our legs watching fireworks glow like stars. Our neighborhood puts on a nice display every year. Lastly, my husband had an exam in class on Friday and was done early. He called to tell me he was coming home to take me to lunch. During our time out he said he had a bit of a headache but actually felt “good”. He hasn’t said that in a long time. He has been taking new pain medication which takes time to adjust. He has had a lot of blood work lately, tests run, and some more to come for different health issues. A rare lunch out just the two of us and a “good” report… both unexpected, both made my “hearts go up.”