Strength of Heart

“Follow your heart”, the world advises. “If it feels good, do it.” Yet in the Bible, God guides us to trust HIS heart and HIS path because our hearts lead us astray all too easily. The heart is deceitful, wicked, swayed and distracted. But there is H O P E. There is a Redeemer who longs to cleanse, heal, renew, and guide.

Over on Facebook this month, I have been posting Scripture verses pertaining to my February “Grace Goals”. Along with these verses, I have been sharing prayers and thoughts. Here are last week’s reflections:


Within me, Lord, let no seed of resentment take root and grow.

Within me, I want to know joy, wisdom, and grace.

Within me, deep down, I know that strength of heart comes from not comparing my life to others or in jumping to conclusions. It comes from trusting You and Your plan for my life and the way I should go.

Within me, plant a will to forgive and the ability to extend mercy for I have received above and beyond what I deserve from You.


I want to see You, Lord, in the every day.

Shadows fall, I turn to disbelief instead of the Divine.

Keep my heart pure from doubting that You are good. Keep me safe from the shouting of the world and from those against You, so that I may notice Your hand working in ways I may not see and hear Your still small voice.

In order to truly see You, free my heart from distrust, from complaining, from comparing and dissatisfaction. You have given me more than I deserve and more than I will ever need. When my heart and thoughts are focused in the right direction, I will see all that You have given me and all that You are.


My flesh and my heart ignores, neglects, deserts, disappoints, and forgets.


God is my courage, my stability, my anchor, my might.


Wait on the Lord…continue, persevere, endure, persist, remain

and He will…

bolster, establish, restore, sustain, fortify.


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