Stable for the Situation

My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

Psalm 62:5-7

It has been a while since I shared a life update. We have had many ups and downs in the last few months – days of hope and days of “what’s next, Lord?”. John is in physical therapy for his back and is still under the care of a good pain management doctor. He is receiving care from the VA neurologist for his migraines. He is trying a new treatment using an Alpha-Stim device which is supposed to help with overall chronic pain relief. In the short time that he has been using it, he has had more days of feeling “ok”. He is able to stay awake longer and perform small tasks such as walking to the mailbox and back, helping wash dishes, or working on paperwork for full disability compensation. He has trouble sitting for long periods of time. Some days he feels stronger, and some days, not so much. Things I take for granted every day, he has to fight for constantly. He feels more hopeful, though, since he started this new treatment.

I haven’t been feeling all that well in the last few months. It has been quite a long time since I have seen a doctor for any kind of health update. I have been feeling strongly that I needed to see a doctor for a general check-up and with a gentle nudge from a friend who recently had a health scare, I scheduled an appointment with a local family doctor’s office. I have several friends who are struggling with health issues and frankly, it’s scary. I have always been in good health up until recently. My doctor visit naturally started with a blood pressure check – and the doctor and I didn’t get past much else. My blood pressure was (and still is at present) dangerously high and I was immediately told to take medication while I was there. I was given several doses during my visit. While I have other issues needing attention, my blood pressure is the first to get under control. I now have to take medication for that and something to help me relax at night. The blood pressure number has us all very concerned.

Jonathan has been helping me with my dad and with John. At times, doctor or therapy appointments are on the same day for the two men and Jonathan goes with John while I go with my dad to his appointment. Jonathan is updating his Resumé and Curriculum Vitae for employment applications. While not needed for all job applications, they may be useful depending on what he will apply for.

In spite of all that, we are “stable for the situation”. We are processing changes which need to be made. We are working to limit stressors and make wiser health choices.

It has been a while, too, since I’ve shared a few stray gifts! I still look for them and absolutely love when friends text me various gifts of their own they see through the day!

Top left: Our passion flowers have been blooming quite nicely this year! Such a gorgeous flower. Top right: The roses were blooming last week, but have since all faded away. It might be the last time they bloom for the year. This coral color is stunning! Right middle: With as much rock and sand as we have, there is still plant life that does well. The Morning Glory vines need next to no help and they cover bare rock walls nicely. They do tend to grow everywhere, so we have to weed them away from the roses and honeysuckle as needed. Bottom right: As always, the pink oleander is a pretty site. Bottom middle: Jonathan has been making breakfast more often which is a huge help! Bottom left: The last of the butterflies, I believe, for the season. We have enjoyed seeing more bees and butterflies in our yard this year.


2 thoughts on “Stable for the Situation

  1. I love reading your Record of Graces” and I love you. I am so sorry to hear about your high blood pressure issues. It must run in the family. I think we all have it. I am glad you are getting medical help for it. Your flowers are beautiful as always. I pray for you, John and Jonathan. Your family has been through so much. Praying for God to heal your family and give you rest for your souls and peace of mind.

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