Sometimes Life Isn’t Fair

Sometimes a critic can cause us to lose courage, but we can choose a different way.

Sometimes man-made rules or unmerited expectations hinder our sense of self-worth (or confidence in who God says we are), but we can choose a different way.

Sometimes a seed of doubt planted in a passing comment grows deep and rooted as an oak tree, but we can choose a different way.

We can choose to see negative thoughts and opinions as fact and be held captive. Living in fear, hurt, or shame because we didn’t “measure up” leads us nowhere.

But we can choose a different way.

We can choose to be the complimenter.
We can choose to be the grace-giver.
We can choose to be the planter of seeds of love, joy, peace…

And be set free.

Sometimes life isn’t fair. But we can choose to be.


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