…All name tags either someone else gave to me or that I gave myself. Either way, at one point or another they had become an identity. Different losses in my life have made confidence fragile… in God, in others, and in myself. Through time and spiritual growth, some of the ink on these name tags have faded and I don’t pick them up off the table so much anymore.
As I grow in the Lord, I realize more and more the Bible is full of the broken, the weak, the seemingly incapable. Yet God defined them as righteous. Justified. Purified. Profitable for His glory. If He so then through grace changed the description of so many in the Bible, why wouldn’t He replace mine?
I need to change the conversation.
If this has been you, today..this week, together let’s change the conversation- the lies which Satan replays in our minds and hearts to distract the children of God from fulfilling His purpose. Let’s lay down the false narrative for good. Just one to begin with. Exchange it for one that God wrote with His own redeeming blood:
Beautiful. Loved. Confident. Restored. Useful. Saved.
2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”