“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14
I wouldn’t consider myself a good listener. I am quick to form an opinion or offer a solution. I often judge and am impatient with myself and with others. My Grace Goals for March Bible study has been about “Renewal”. (See also: Renewing Rest and Renewing Focus) Today, I am thinking on Renewing Purpose – a purpose to listen more, talk less. It is challenging to be still and quiet thoughts and words. And if I am not saying anything out loud, noise is going on in my head about what I want to get done in a day. Always thinking, planning, plotting my next project. Even in ‘down time’, I am meditating on what is next or what needs to be crossed off my ‘to do’ list. (Especially since spring is here and I have gardening plans!) So far my studies have been about resting in the sufficiency of God to heal and to renew, and about focus; taking my eyes off media and distractions to recognize more His working in my life. Renewing purpose to listen for God’s voice, His leading, it is easy to think that is reserved for Sundays, sitting in church, listening to preaching. It is more difficult to turn off the television, to turn down the radio, to separate from noise, stress, work, and busyness to be still during the week. It can be unnerving as I think I should be doing something. And when I move my focus to incorporate moments of stillness or quietness to read, to be outside, to journal, I find myself quieter in spirit and calmer in attitude. Renewal may look like something entirely different to another person and with God making us each in a unique way, He can work in different ways through various means, but with the same message in mind; “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Matthew 11: 28, 29. First things first: Come unto me → If I move towards Him, then rest/renewal will be given. Take my yoke → If I identify with Him and learn from Him, learn His direction for my life, then there is rest/renewal ‘unto your souls’ – renewal because, no matter what happens, I am secure in my every-day-purpose here on this earth. God is not limited to time and space, yet sometimes ‘time and space’ is what I only understand. It starts with recognizing the need for time set part (in any given place at any given time), breathing in the moments of peace, and letting God teach what renewal means to Him for me as an individual- purposing to rest my words and thoughts and listen to Him.
For a busy minded person, taking time to renew rest, energy, and peace of mind can seem a bit of a nuisance with so much to do. But, didn’t God create rest? Doesn’t He offer renewal daily?
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable”…not just the words that come out of my mouth, but what goes on in my heart as well. Proverbs 4:23, “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.” What goes on in the heart, usually comes out the mouth. It is a refection. And if I find myself being more judgmental, more impatient (even with God) or stressed, then it is indeed time for a ‘time out’ to rest my words, to renew purpose to listen more, and to calm my heart.
to replace (something that is broken or worn out)→ working on replacing my need to have my opinions heard all the time with listening more; pausing when tempted to judge
to resume (an activity) after an interruption→ working on resuming quiet moments in the day, purposing to take a break from the noise of television, the radio, from work
to give fresh life or strength to→ working on letting go of self made plans when the day changes, recognizing God is still in control, He is not surprised. Trusting His hand is on the day no matter how it goes renews life and strength.
Resting words and whirling thoughts and renewing purpose to listen more and talk less become difficult when using our own strength. In Psalm 19:14, David names God as his strength and redeemer. To withdraw words, opinions, and judgment can be done through God’s strength. And when I fail and need to be reminded to let go of control, to yield my plans to Him, to set apart time to take a break, there is the Redeemer to renew purpose, to make things new, right, and whole.

excellent thots Rebecca – very helpful
Marie, I am so thankful for your uplifting faith! You are a blessing to me.