More Supplies

“Organize? I thought you said, “Order more supplies!”

– crafting meme seen on social media

It has been a while since I have shared photos of my cardmaking “adventures” here. In December, I posted photos of Christmas cards and February was the last time I sent out a large group of “just because” cards. Last summer, I started selling my handmade creations to friends and family and I received eight orders right in a row! I made one hundred cards between June and December for others. Things got “quiet” after that and I wondered if the cards really were liked as much as I had thought they were because card sales completely stopped. In March, however, I had requests for more cards from some of the same friends and family who ordered last year. They were restocking their card supplies! From March to a few weeks ago, I have made more than eighty cards (not including those that ended up in the recycling because of mess-ups)!! I created Easter, graduation, birthday, Christmas, and get-well-soon cards. And I have a new request just recently for “thinking of you” ones. Whew! That is a lot of cardstock, tape, pretty stickers, and envelopes! As I continue creating, I become more aware of the tools that work best. The designs on patterned paper, the quality of patterned paper, types of adhesives, weights of cardstock, and more are things I’ve had to consider when purchasing supplies. Lots of learning is going on in making cards. There are thousands of designs and layouts which, if I look too long on Pinterest, can make my head spin – and makes it harder to choose which design to use for each order. Decisions, decisions!

What touches me, is that others like to send cards, too. Notes of thanks, well wishes, encouragement, sympathy, love, and kindness should never be a thing of the past. A note on social media and through texts is appreciated, yes, but there’s nothing quite like a handwritten note that took some time and effort. With that, I’ll leave you with a few photos of the cards I created in February. I have a few more sets I have worked on this year and will share them in the coming months. In the meantime, I need to get started on my new request …but first, I need to organize and order more supplies.

If interested in me making handmade cards for you, I charge $35.00 for a set of ten cards. This does not include shipping. Each card and envelope is put in a plastic envelope for protection and sent to you in a small box. It typically takes me a week or two to make a set of cards, depending on family events. To order, simply e-mail me and we can discuss what you have in mind.

My e-mail address is


4 thoughts on “More Supplies

  1. I have not ordered cards yet but I plan to for the holidays. Thank you for everything you do and for sharing your wonderful talents with us.

    1. I love making my own cards and sending them out! There’s nothing like a handwritten note in the mail!

  2. I love your cards and so do the people I send them to.
    I am going to order some Thanksgiving and Christmas cards this year.
    Good luck with organizing.

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