Late Spring Stray Gifts

‘Tis my faith that every flower enjoys the air it breathes!

William Wordsworth

Anyone who has a yard to tend to or a garden to keep up with understands that it is a LOT of work. It is constantly watching for bugs out to harm your precious growing things or minding the feeding, fertilizing, and watering. It is brutally hot here in the summer and I have to get up early if I want to do any work in the yard while the weather is tolerable…and some days I just do not feel like it! But the yard is important to me and since I enjoy the flowers growing and seeing the grass come through, I must put my work clothes on and get out there and do the work. Yesterday morning, I was out pulling weeds, trimming dead roses off the bush, and cutting off dry mums. If I didn’t do the work, I would certainly miss the opportunity to see beautiful things in the yard, smell wet grass after I have watered, or hear the birds sing after I have filled the birdfeeder.

It has been a while since I have shared a “stray gifts” post, so I thought it was time to put together a few photos I have taken and show you a few that have been put in my path.

From left to right, top to bottom:

  • Orange mums are starting to show up. They are so bright and cheerful!
  • Jonathan and I planted sunflowers this year and one by one, they are starting to open up!
  • I love to see where the sunlight lands at different times of the day in the house. This one caught me by surprise as I walked by it. I had never noticed the sun coming through the high window putting a spotlight on a growing vine that is on a tall shelf in the living room.
  • A handmade card from my twelve-year-old niece and a sweet note from her sister, who is four. A note in the mail is always a treat! I love to see how creative my niece gets with each card she makes for me.
  • My dad was a great biscuit maker when I was growing up. He still has the magic touch and is teaching Jonathan how to make them from scratch. Biscuits and gravy on a lazy Saturday morning are amazing.
  • Here is another photo of light landing on a plant in the house which caused me to stop and take notice.
  • This seems to be the “year of the honeysuckle” in our yard. We have had these for a few years now and, for some reason, the vine has just exploded continually in blooms! When there is a breeze in the air, the whole yard smells so heavenly.
  • I jumped on the sourdough bread bandwagon when the quarantine hit. I had tried it a few years ago but became frustrated with the learning process. I gave it another try and realized that making a loaf of bread is much more difficult and I have settled on making English muffins instead. I was determined to make this work after reading the health benefits from sourdough. So far, it is working for me and everyone loves these. I’ve also tried crepes and waffles using the sourdough and everyone gives them a ‘thumbs up’.

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.
-William Wordsworth, 1806


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