It Doesn’t Take A Professional

“Do you realize what you’ve done?”, I asked my son Jonathan. His History class had just ended and we were on our way home talking about the class lesson. He shared with me that the students had been studying about religious persecution of the Jews throughout history; jealousy of the Jews because they could read and write, envy because they were financially successful. Some throughout history blame the Jews for Christ’s crucifixion even though the Romans were the ones who nailed and speared Him through. The class had been discussing who was actually to blame for Christ’s death. “We are all responsible for His death on the cross”, Jonathan spoke up. “Since Christ died for all sinners, all are responsible.”

“You just shared the Gospel with the whole class!”, I said.  The look on his face was priceless. He was amazed. He was simply taking part in the discussion sharing what he knew to be true through the Scriptures.

It doesn’t take a “professional soul winner” to share the Gospel.

It doesn’t take a seasoned “door knocker” or  Gospel tract distributor to give a testimony.

There were about sixteen others in the class that day who heard the Gospel in a few sentences. And within seconds, seeds were either planted or watered in veterans, teenagers, young adults, and a professor.

I call it the ‘Dandelion Effect’. I think of it when I share posts on my Facebook page and here on the blog. I compare it to blowing the seeds of a dandelion which the wind carries off in all directions and lands only who-knows-where. Anything and anywhere we share of the Gospel, of Christ’s love and forgiveness, is like God’s breath blowing the seeds to only-He-knows-where.

It was just a comment in class, but praise God, He can and will give the increase.

I. Corinthians 3:6-8, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.”


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