Hoping For the Best

“A lot of people no longer hope for the best. They just hope to avoid the worst.”

Words associated with hope:



Count on


It’s a state of mind; the determination that I will trust and praise anticipating the hand of God to guide in health, in finances, in life. The mindset to believe God is listening and counting on His peace is what keeps believers putting one foot in front of the other when life is a struggle. My favorite word on the list is “rely” because the Latin word means “to bind fast, hold firmly” and also, to realign. Adjusting focus from self to God, to join my thoughts and heart as one in trusting that God will deliver is all part of hope. The will to be patient in trials is what it takes to keep hope alive, centering our praise on Him and not on the worst that can happen.

“I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.” Psalm 17:14
