Even A Blade of Grass

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself”. -H. Miller

This is the whole point of A Record of Graces; paying close attention to and appreciating what has been given.  This #straygifts journey keeps me looking for the good in the day and seeing the mystery in an object, or the magnificence of simple ordinary everyday life. Here is my mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world; the latest in “stray gifts” photos:

  1. Roses blooming nearly every day now.
  2. Brunch in a time warp restaurant with a favorite aunt who was visiting, oldies music filtered through loudspeakers, steaming cups of coffee.
  3. Pink Oleander in the yard. My son and I have cut this bush down several times over the last few years because it wasn’t looking very healthy. This year, it has shot up and out! And the blooms are amazing.
  4. The scent of freshly cut grass…in our own backyard!!
  5.  Stray gifts found in toothless smiles of little ones, in birthday celebrations with the young and the well-aged around the table, in a church family who cares about you, and in a ministry made up of a few people with big hearts. God is working, He is blessing, and is ever present.
  6. Pink paper, hearts, and a smiley face. A note from a niece in the mail today.

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find. -W. Wordsworth




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