This month’s Prayer Plan focus has been for the caregiver. Several of my friends and family are caring for their unwell spouse, their child who has life-long health struggles, and/or their aging parents. There are always adjustments to the day, doctor’s appointments scheduled, and the need for keeping a balance in caring for themselves while nurturing those in need. In my last blog post, Praying for the Caregiver, I shared five areas to pray for concerning someone in this situation. Prayer is good and needful, and I believe we could take one step further to be an encouragement. Here are a few hands-on ways to show your care for them:
- Purchase a gift certificate. There are many directions to take with this suggestion. It could be for a restaurant for a nice meal out. If the caregiver loves crafting/sewing, how about a gift certificate for the local craft store? If they are a gardener, a gift card for the local gardening center. For the reader, a book store. And last, but not least, Amazon – where they can purchase just about anything!
- Prepare a meal. Soups are always in season in the winter. A rotisserie chicken is a good idea with some sides. Put together a deli tray of meats, cheeses, crackers, cheese spreads, fruit for something different. A baked potato meal, maybe, with toppings (meat, cheese, sour cream) and a nice side salad. Many possibilities. Ask ahead of time for any dietary restrictions. Or call out for pizza or other meal you know the family would enjoy and take it over.
- Spend some time. Make a lunch date or set time aside to visit in some way or other, whether in the house or outside. Or if the caregiver on your heart right now lives long-distance, call them and let them know you are thinking about them.
- Make a personalized gift basket. Consider their interests: baking, gardening, reading, relaxation bath salts, coffee or teas. A fruit basket, perhaps.
- Give flowers. A lovely flower arrangement in the house always brightens up the space.
- Write and send a nice note. A handwritten connection is always a blessing.
Of course, this list can be utilized to bless anyone! Throughout January’s
#gracegoals2019, I am praying for the caregiver, I am asking the Lord to bless those who care for others. In considering other caregivers, I am asking the Lord to help me put hands and feet to my prayers to do something and be a blessing to others.
Other January “Grace Goals” Blog Entries: