The guys are constantly showing me social media memes. Some are super funny and others are just plain corny. They share serious ones and thought-provoking ones, too, which make for interesting conversations. Jonathan sent one to me recently that I thought was cute and would make a great blog post! It’s in line with the “stray gifts” theme I have throughout the website.

I think of throwing confetti often now when I see stray gifts pop up! Stray gifts are bits of good news in the day that God sees me and places things in my path so that I see Him. That’s worth celebrating, even if the confetti is imaginary, isn’t it? Here is the latest record of graces to share! A description is shared below the photo collage.

Top Row: 1) In January, a friend of mine in Texas shared this little snowman she made. She gave him an acorn shell hat and named him, “Pierre”. Isn’t he adorable? 2) I meant it this time when I told Jonathan I was ok with the day lilies not making it this year. Well, here they are again. Every year, I am so surprised when they come back! One day, there are no signs of life and the next, we see green leaves that have pushed their way through the soil! This photo was taken in January and right now, they are filling the pot! Last year, Jonathan and I separated them into several flower pots because they had grown so much. I’ll share a photo of them in their current state soon. I say this every year, but these are the flowers I bought on clearance for $3.00 a few years ago – definitely a stray gift! 3) We pass by this tree every time we go for a walk. When the breeze is blowing through the leaves, it sounds like a small waterfall. It’s such a lovely sound.
Middle Row: This row is all about a few cards made this year. In January, I sent out sixteen winter-themed cards similar to these. The same amount of cards were mailed in February. These were fun to make! The third card is one of the few cards I’ve made for March. In total, forty-two cards were sent out in the last three months! I’m thankful for this encouragement ministry.
Bottom Row: 1) Jonathan made a breakfast casserole one day before I even got out of bed. It smelled so good with the coffee brewing in the kitchen at the same time. I pretended to throw confetti at him and we both had a good laugh over it. 2) “Back porch sitting doing Bible study listening to birds and hearing geese fly over”, a friend sent along with this photo. I so love when others share their stray gifts!! 3) Signs of spring are everywhere. This tree is in front of the church we have been attending. I have loved watching this bloom from the very first signs over the last few weeks. It keeps me looking to see what else might be waking up this season.