Christmas Cards 2021

The pen in your hand is a magic wand with which you can send joy, hope, love and courage across deserts and plains, over mountains and seas, around the world and around the corner.

Wilferd A. Peterson, “The Art of Writing Letters”

In one of my classes during Bible college, we students took a “Spiritual Gifts” test to help us understand where we best fit in ministry opportunities. One of my gifts results was that I was an encourager. One of the ways I enjoy encouraging is through making and sending handmade cards. I wrote a bit about this cardmaking journey in a previous blog post, Stray Gifts Studio. I have a list of friends and family I create for regularly, but sometimes life gets busy and time is short for playing with all my pretty paper. I was determined to get nice Christmas cards out this year and worked at making cards to send out. I had come down with a bad cold a few weeks before Christmas and I wasn’t sure I would even be able to get these out in the mail. I had wanted to write a nice long ‘catching up’ note in each card, yet as Christmas grew nearer, I had to settle for a quick Christmas and New Year greeting. I hope that even with a short note, the cards sent brought a bit of joy to the receivers. Here are my latest creations in cardmaking.


4 thoughts on “Christmas Cards 2021

  1. I love my card. It was beautiful. I am honored that you would take the time to hand pick each card to send. You have such a servants heart. God truly has given you a gift. I pray you have a blessed and prosperous New Year. Thank you for every thing you do.

    1. I’m so glad you enjoy the cards I make. I sure do love making them! Happy New Year to you as well. Love you.

  2. Beautiful cards. Just the card itself is a complete gift even without the update of “catching up”
    Just knowing that you made the card and picked that one card out for each recipient is so enough.
    I love getting your cards because I know you were thinking of us when you chose that particular card to send.
    I love you and pray you have the Happiest of New Years and the new year brings you hope, peace, joy, love and a whole heap of blessings.
    We love you.

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