A Steady and Perpetual Serenity

Cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity.

Joseph Addison

I have no major updates yet on John’s health as we are waiting for a follow-up appointment with the spine specialist. John had an MRI and a few x-rays done and we will know soon what the new doctor can do to help with John’s back pain. Also, a consult with a neurologist concerning John’s migraines is coming up in June, I believe. In the meantime, we try to stay cheerful and hopeful and not let dark thoughts crowd in and take over. Serenity lies in keeping faith steady and alive trusting that God cares and sees and has help on the way for the pain issues.

Here are the latest stray gifts!

I received a few birthday gifts in the mail, a few Happy Birthday texts, and some cards (even a few handmade ones)! A friend of mine in Georgia sent me a four leaf clover she found during one of her hikes. Another friend bought and decorated a nice cup for me! Both gifts were such a nice surprise.

Jonathan graduated from college this past week with high honors! The commencement was held outside in the football stadium. We were able to see him standing and waving on the end of his row. It was a miracle we were able to see him at all with the hundreds of graduates and families present. It was sunny and 91 degrees in the shade when we arrived, so we took a photo of Jonathan before we became all hot and wilted. As the night went on, that dark cloud came around the mountain bringing with it wind, sand, and rain. The night cooled off quickly and the rain was just a drizzle. The cool air was sure nice for the rest of the evening. At the end of the ceremony, we all enjoyed the fireworks. It was an exciting night!!

Last week, he had an interview with the local Historical Society for a volunteer position as a curator. He has to get experience somewhere, and the people he would be potentially working with are seasoned historians and it would a great place to ‘get his feet wet’ in this type of work. He was able to take a little tour of one of the grand old homes that had been donated which is in the process of being restored. Jonathan said he was in awe. The details! The craftsmanship! The architecture! He was thrilled to have seen a bit of the house and what the owners had left behind. I will have an update on how that’s going soon.

It is still a special time of year in our yard. The honeysuckles are gone for now, but the roses keep blooming. The roses on the left are right in front of our house below the living room window. Sometimes, when I look out, I can see the small finches hanging out on the rose branches when the birds come to the feeder that is close. (I throw a little birdseed near the window, too, hoping they will come up to the house so we can watch them up close.) The rose in the middle and on the end is from the backyard and is the same exact rose, one day apart. The roses look different day to day and it motivates me to get outside to see the fascinating changes.

Until next time, this is my newest Record of Graces and growing list of of “stray gifts”. Keep looking, keep noticing, and keep sending me your very own stray gifts! I love to see them!


4 thoughts on “A Steady and Perpetual Serenity

  1. Love the roses as always – such beauty just outside your front door. I’ve had many stray gifts lately. 🙂 Glad you liked the clover. I thought of that Pledge as inspired by the 4-H Clubs. This is my Friendship Pledge to special lifetime friends like you! 🙂

  2. Your roses are beautiful. You have such a touch with flowers.
    Praying for the upcoming appointments for John and you.
    Love you bunches and I always enjoy your Record of Graces posts.
    Keep em coming.

    1. Aunt Carol, I love watching the roses change day by day and enjoy sharing the beauty! Thank you for your prayers, care, and encouragement. Love you! -Rebecca

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