A Knocking from Your Soul

Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul — and you answer.

T. Guillemets

I can’t help but make something – whether it be playing the piano, writing in this blog, or crafting cards. It may sound a bit dramatic to say, “Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul”, but if you are a creative person, you know what I mean. What if I said it was a calling? Either way, I feel drawn to creative endeavours. I’ve been making cards still nearly every day. Whether I sell them or give them away, it doesn’t matter – I’m going to create anyway. I consider my cardmaking an encouragement ministry, first of all, but if someone pays me for a specific request, I’m grateful and the funds help pay for supplies. I have a few friends who, like me, enjoy encouraging others through a handwritten note and I have been making them cards to send out as they see a need. I have an Instagram account @ stray_gifts_studio where I post photos of a lot of the cards I make. I don’t always have time to photograph all the cards I make before I send them out, but I thought I’d share a few here of what I’ve been up to. It’s been a while since I’ve shared a cardmaking post. Below the collage, I explain a bit about the cards.

Top Row (left to right): I made Valentine’s Day cards to send out using postage stamp frames and stamps. These cards were a lot of fun to make! The middle card was made for a friend’s dad who was having ankle surgery. I used one leaf stamp in varying shades of green with a “thinking of you” sentiment. I thought it made a nice masculine card. The third card was made using a new-to-me technique. I used a leaf image paper punch. The paper punch cut out the leaves and it made for an easy card.

Middle Row: The vintage typewriter set was new to me when I made this card and several similar ones. A friend of mine saw the photos of the cards on Instagram and she loved the typewriter so much, she asked me to make her some. She used them for her handmade cards which turned out so nice! The middle card is not typical – it’s called a ‘flat card’ where you turn the card over for the handwritten note. I made several types of Easter cards – too many to share all the photos. I believe I mailed out over thirty this year. Something neat that happened with some of the Easter cards I sent can be read here in the entry, Where Peace Dwells. The last card was a birthday card I made for John in January. I love the big script “happy”.

Last Row: I made The first card for our interim pastor and his wife. While they were away on a wedding anniversary trip, I made a card for them and brought it to church for everyone to sign. The cards in the middle were made for a special order. The paper is so pretty and looks like linen up close. The last card was crafted recently for our church pianist who had knee replacement surgery at the beginning of June. I brought it to Sunday School for our class to sign.

Thank you to those who are helping spread encouragement and care to others through handwritten notes.


4 thoughts on “A Knocking from Your Soul

  1. You are just an encouragement to me. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with all of us who appreciate you so much. The cards are beautiful.

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